Tips to make group photos fast and easy
Family and group photos at weddings can take up so much time and be very stressful when Uncle Bob and cousin Carl are no where to be found.
Some of the best things I can tell you about group photos is, keep it simple. Have 5-10 groups of people you’d like to have captured, the rest can be done during the reception. Take the group photos where ever the ceremony was held. This way you’re not trying to get 50 people to an other location together. (People go missing all the time this way through miscommunication) Try to let the people you’d like in group photos know that they’re going to be in them before the day of the wedding.
Make a list of who these groups are, with names, so they’re easy to yell out.
Print two copies of that list, and delegate the responsibility to two people who know the families who can get the groups organized before the photographers need them.
I know it’s lame, and takes a long time, your guests want drinks and food and to have a good time but have them all stay in one space so no one is waiting for Aunt Susan who went to get a drink.
Just having these few things organized before your big day can help you be less stressed and have more time with these guests later!
This is Kaitlyn, one of my trusted second shooters, helping me with group photos.